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2008 Sundance Kid Series III Grinder/chipper, 600 original hours Cat 4cyl.turbo 127 hp diesel, Finger style Anvil and Swinging hammers, adjustable anvil so it can and will grind and throw wood chips,wood waste, pallets, brush, asphalt shingles, horse manure, animal bedding waste and manure, hemp stocks, yard waste. Will regrind standard wood chipper chips into your own all natural bark mulch,( money maker) coloring systems available for this unit, can produce animal bedding, feed production, composting blending of lobster shells ..ect.. can grind grass, leaves, fibrous and stringy materials with ease, .. will grind small trees... can take wood chips and regrind for cow bedding or horse riding arena footing..... set it on automatic and one person can feed it, has a continuous hydraulic ram in-feed, Variable speed feed, forward stop and reverse... this unit is a bear.... can be easily loaded with a skidsteer, tractor or small loader, backhoe or what ever.. can produce up to 20tons per hour...... we can demo it right at our yard..... was used as a demonstration machine that's it!!!! powerful, very well maintained, outstanding condition, always kept indoors. Completely serviced.. It is clean clean clean..can be easily towed, has electric brakes with a 3/4 ton pickup truck... weighs 9900lbs

$46,500 (USD)
Portland, Maine
Call: (207) 233-4606